
Sebastian x Ciel-- High School Edition! (Part 3)

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Ciel leaned back in his chair as Vincent lectured on. "I want you back from Trancys' house by eight tomorrow morning," he informed his son.

Ciel nodded. "Father, I'm capable of taking care of myself."

Vincent shrugged, his eyes light with worry. "Your mother is sick," he confessed, looking towards the back room. "I'm not sure what she's come down with, but she hasn't been able to do much of anything lately."

Ciel searched for words before replying, "my condolences."

Vincent glared at him. "I know she's new in your life," he began, his voice hardly a whisper. "Please, Ciel, I love her. She loves you to death. Why can't you show some concern for your new mother?"

Ciel looked up at him, his eyes clouded with hate. "You cheated on my real mother," he snapped, and Vincent stepped back as Ciel raged on, "you left her, you couldn't control yourself, and then you remarried to the very woman who you cheated on mother with! So don't you tell me that I have to respect her, because that filthy whore does not deserve respect! She knew you were with mother; you knew you were with mother, and yet you both went through with all of this. So I'll think nice of her when she earns my respect!"

Vincent's eyes were wide with shock, but he had no words to reply with. Ciel glared at him, almost threateningly, before grabbing his coat and heading for the door. "I'll be back when I damn well please," he snapped, and left, slamming the door closed behind him.

As he hurried down the front stairs, he felt his entire body tense with anger, and tried to soothe himself. It wasn't that he didn't love his father; he had a great deal of love towards his parent. It was just that the choices he had made thus far were terrible. 

He had told Vincent that he was going to Alois Trancy's house for the night, but he was truthfully going to Grell's house for his party. He followed the instructions Soma had written down on a piece of paper for him the day before. Soma was nice.

He wondered how many people would be at the party; a lot of the upperclassmen, for sure, and a few freshman...he knew a few friends who were going to be there, but he couldn't help but wonder if one specific senior would be there.

"Sebastian?" The question went unanswered, seeming to swirl away with the cold night air.

He approached the red house, his eyes widening at the loud music coming from inside. There were beer cans in the yard, along with streamers and toilet paper. "How odd," he muttered to himself as he approached the house He realized that he was wearing his normal suit attire, and he hoped nobody mentioned it.

"Ciel!" He was scooped up, and he felt a hand rubbing against his face. Soma. "Oh, you came!" Soma's Indian accent finally rang through Ciel's ears, and he chuckled, looking up at the prince who was holding him bridal style. "Hey! Why are you in your suit?"

Damn it. "I just didn't get a chance to change," he lied.

Soma shrugged, carrying Ciel up to the doorstep. "Put me down," Ciel ordered, and Soma put his friend down, pushing open the door. Ciel's heart raced as he took in the scene. This house was at least three stories tall, judging from the staircase, which he could see from the door. They were at the far end of the living room, where several upperclassmen he didn't know were shouting and drinking, and occasionally laughing madly. He looked to the left; the kitchen, next to a long hallway. There were several closed doors in the wide hallway, so he looked to the kitchen, which was decorated vastly, with streamers and lights. There were drinks and snacks on the table -- all alcoholic, as Ciel could see by the intoxicated guests. He looked closer and saw two familiar, non drunk faces; Mey-Rin and Finny. He hurried over to them.

"Hello, Ciel!" Finny waved excitedly to him.

Ciel nodded to the boy, smiling a little. "Greetings."

Mey-Rin handed him a drink, smiling and giving him an intense look. "Glad you could make it. Have you seen him yet?" Ciel shrugged.


Mey-Rin nodded. "Sebastian!"

Ciel suddenly crushed the cup in his hands as the drink spilled to the floor through the broken bottom. Finny and Mey-Rin stared at it as Ciel exclaimed, "he's here?!"

Suddenly a big hand was on his shoulder, and he spun around, expecting Sebastian for sure. Instead, to his surprise, it was a big blond man, smiling at him. "Spilled yer' drink," he pointed out as Ciel awkwardly set down the crushed cup.

"Right. Sorry." 

Finny looked him over. "Ciel, this is Baldroy! He's a Junior!"

Ciel nodded, but his head was spinning now. It wasn't that he didn't like the senior, it was just that he'd rather not be involved with him out of school. Who knew what he could do to him? The thought made him shudder.

"Ciel Phantomhive, you made it."

Ciel turned to see Will, looking down at him with an amused glint in his eye. "Of course," Ciel replied, smiling awkwardly. "You made it as well, I see."

Will nodded, grabbing an alcoholic candy and popping it into his mouth. Ciel's eyes widened. He consumed alcohol? "Right, well, Grell wants everyone in the back bedroom."

Ciel shrugged, following Will down the dark halls of the home. There were drunken and sober laughs from everyone ringing around the house, and suddenly Ciel stopped dead in his tracks. There, in the den (that was reasonably clean compared to the rest of the house) were Claude and Sebastian, making out on the couch. His fists clenched and he narrowed his eyes as Sebastian pinned Claude below him, and he swore he heard Claude moaning. 

"Yes, that couple." Ciel whipped around, his blush darkening as he found out Agni had seen him looking. "They're an odd couple, aren't they?"

Ciel was shaking. "Yes," he replied. "Agni, I thought Soma insisted you needn't take care of him?"

Agni shrugged. "I came anyways," he replied, before heading off down the halls. Ciel turned around, and to his surprise, both men who had been on the couch a moment before were gone.

"Shorty!" Ciel knew that voice and nickname anywhere. He turned to his left, seeing Sebastian bent down to his level, smiling at him. "Did you enjoy the show?"

Ciel blushed hard, looking away. Sebastian chuckled, running his finger down Ciel's cheek. "Hey, Shorty, don't flatter yourself." He stood up, walking past him, and Ciel felt a stab of anger pierce him. Don't flatter myself, indeed! He grabbed the end of Sebastian's shirt, and the senior turned around. "Come on, Shorty. Don't do this to me." He leaned over, picking Ciel up as the boy turned red with embarrassment. 

"Put me down," he snapped, and Sebastian dropped him as he ran into the room. Ciel's eyes widened as he sat down with the group of people, but Sebastian was nowhere to be seen.

"Guess what time it is?" There was a flash of red as Grell jumped onto the bed in front of them. "Selective Seven Minutes in Heaven!" The crowd muttered dirty things among themselves as Grell watched in amusement. "Of course, our guest of honor goes first."

Ciel knew who it was before he even introduced himself to everyone. 

Sebastian's eyes scanned the crowd, and everyone looked at him expectantly. He didn't make eye contact with Ciel, but still announced, "Shorty."

Grell raised a brow. "Shorty?" He looked over the crowd, his eyes wide. "I don't, uh.."

Sebastian chuckled. "Ciel Phantomhive. I want seven minutes in heaven with Ciel Phantomhive."

Everyone -- especially the girls in the crowd -- turned and gave him a mixture of jealous and admiring looks. Ciel, however, was blushing hard, and he wondered where Claude was at this moment. 

"You don't want Claude?" Grell practically read Ciel's mind.

Sebastian looked at his nails. "He left. Besides, you asked who I want. I want Ciel Phantomhive."

Ciel burned hot as he slowly stood up, making his way to the front of the crowd to look up at Sebastian. What kind of Seven Minutes in Heaven is selective? Is this a version of it that I'm unaware of? He struggled to find words as Sebastian picked him up. This time he didn't fidget, but squeezed his eyes shut, blushing so hard he felt his face might catch on fire.

"The closet." Grell motioned towards the open closet door that was next to the bed, and Sebastian carried him in, ominously chuckling before the door closed behind them.


Ciel was set down the minute they got into the closet, and he backed himself into the corner. "Don't touch me," he stammered, the darkness of the closet hardly concealing his blush.

"Oh, Ciel, have you never played this game before?" Sebastian moved closer, and Ciel let out a few noises that made Sebastian chuckle. "Do you like cosplays? Or role plays? How about this."

He put one arm on either side of Ciel so that the boy couldn't get away, as Sebastian was in a crawling position while Ciel was sitting in the corner. "You can be my ruler. My king." He reached up, unbuttoning the first button, and Ciel's heart raced. Sebastian went on. "In return, I'll call you my lord. I belong entirely to you." Ciel's mouth gaped slightly, and Sebastian took that moment to kiss him forcefully. Ciel blushed hard as he felt Sebastian's warm tongue between his lips, before he pulled away and went back to unbuttoning his shirt. "Say something, Phantomhive, you're concerning me."

Ciel was at a loss for words as Sebastian got to the last button, sliding his shirt off easily and tracing his finger down the exposed chest. "My lord?"

Ciel's entire body tensed at those words, and he stammered, "what?"

Sebastian's smile grew. "So, you do like that idea? You replied to it, after all." He paused. "My lord."

"St..stop that," he stammered, but there was a tiny smile forming on his face as Sebastian bent down, kissing his chest. "Whatever you feel comfortable with," Sebastian murmured, forcing Ciel back farther into the closet. He easily straddled him and kissed him roughly, and Ciel suddenly remembered; this was exactly how he had been kissing Claude.

It felt nice to be in this position. He gradually kissed back, feeling time slipping away quickly. "Take off your shirt," Ciel told him.

Sebastian looked up a him, his eyes gleaming. "Is that an order?"

Ciel nodded.

Sebastian chuckled. "Then it shall be done, my lord."

Ciel still tensed at those words as Sebastian tossed his shirt aside, revealing abs and a slender body that Ciel soon felt pressed against him.

"Here," Sebastian whispered, tugging at Ciel's pants.

Ciel gasped as they slid off easily, and he exclaimed quietly, "you can't be serious!"

Sebastian looked up form where he had been kissing Ciel's abdomen and muttered, "I'm dead serious."

He suddenly yanked off the underwear and Ciel's entire face lit up like a light bulb. "Seba--!"

He was cut off by Sebastian's kiss, and relaxed a little.

Sebastian grabbed his erection, stroking it's length. Ciel let out a throaty moan.

"Does that please you, my lord?"

Ciel was in a shocked state, his eyes wide. "Ah..ahh.." he let out a shallow breath as Sebastian kissed down his thigh.

"Don't enjoy me too much," he teased, stroking a bit faster.

Ciel lifted his legs a bit, but then planted them firmly on the ground.

"Aw, that was cute," Sebastian teased, and Ciel suddenly saw he was blushing a little as well. He's done this before, right...? Ciel's thoughts were cut as he felt a tongue on his cock, and moaned loudly, tossing his head back.

Suddenly there was a knock at the door. "Thirty seconds!"

Sebastian noted Grell's warning, and began to clothe his partner again. He still paused to suck at Ciel's neck for a moment, leaving a fresh hickey. 

As the door opened, Sebastian had both of them fully clothed, and he looked as cool as ever.

"That was fun," he told Grell coolly. "I like going first." He looked down at Ciel, who was still slouched back, his eyes wide with shock. "Need help up, my lord?" Suddenly his eyes widened. "I mean, Shorty?"

It was too late. Some people had heard him, and they exchanged curious glances. Ciel took his hand, but it felt so different than it had in there, when it was...well...on him. "You did fine," he muttered.

Ciel blushed hard, frowning and looking away. "I didn't do anything," he protested.

Sebastian shrugged. "It's cool, Shorty. There's always other times." Ciel looked up at him, his eyes wide, but Sebastian was already addressing the rest of the guests. 


"That must have been fun," Grell began as him, Will, Soma, Agni, Finny, Mey-Rin, and Baldroy left the house. The party had ended a little while ago, and everyone was heading home to enjoy the rest of their weekend.

"I certainly have much to think about," he muttered, putting a hand to his forehead.

Soma chuckled. "Did you guys get very far?"

Agni chirped, "did you like it?"

Mey-Rin added, "doesn't he have a boyfriend?"

Ciel ignored all three questions, looking down at his wrinkled clothing. "It was different," he said after a while. They approached his house, and Soma looked at it wondrously.

"Your house is huge! Like a palace."

Ciel nodded, looking up at them. Suddenly it struck him; "I can't go home yet!" He raced away from the house, the others following blindly. They stopped a few streets away.

"Why not?" Grell put hands on his hips. "We agreed to walk you home. What are we supposed to do with you now?"

"He can come home with me." Ciel turned at the voice to see Sebastian leaning against a mailbox. Their eyes all widened, Ciel's the largest.

"Surely you're joking!"

Sebastian shrugged. "Unless you'd rather go home and tell your folks the truth?"

Ciel rolled his eyes. Not that he had much of a choice. Sebastian saw him thinking and muttered, "nothing else will happen tonight, Shorty."

Ciel nodded warily. "Okay," he caved. "Let's just go then."

They left the others, walking in silence. Finally Sebastian looked down at him. "Did you have fun?"

Ciel thought for a moment, his face reddening. "A little," he admitted.

Sebastian smiled, but this smile was different than his usual, mischievous smile. It seemed almost...warm. "Good. Sorry if I went too far. I tend to have this thing with cute boys."

Ciel looked up at him. "Was that cheating on Claude?"

Sebastian gave him a confused look. "Well 'course not, Shorty. Claude and I aren't anything besides physical." He shrugged. "We just find each-other extremely hot."

Ciel was silent for a while. "Everyone's been saying you two were together," he said after a while.

Sebastian shrugged. "Not officially, but you could say that."

Ciel nodded, thinking again. "You know Alois Trancy?"

Sebastian nodded. "Claude's little admirer? Yeah. He's too funny. Thinking he has a chance with Faustus."

Ciel narrowed his eyes. "Well that's rude. I think he's alright."

Sebastian shrugged. "We're here." He turned to see the apartment building -- not surprising, and when Sebastian opened the door to the apartment, it was actually one of the neatest apartments he had ever seen.

"Just because I like to have my dick everywhere doesn't mean I like my stuff everywhere," Sebastian told Ciel, who couldn't decide whether or not he was joking. He threw his shoes off, walking with Sebastian to the main room. "I have a few nightshirts if you need one," he said after a moment, walking to the closet and pulling out one of his long white school shirts.

Ciel sighed. "Thanks," he murmured, taking it from Sebastian and heading to the bathroom.

"Why are you going in there?" Ciel stopped, turning to see Sebastian giving him a confused look. "You can just change out here. It's not like there's nothing I haven't seen."

Ciel nodded, slightly blushing. "Right." He changed as quick as he could, noting that Sebastian wasn't watching, but it still felt weird.

"There's one bed," Sebastian pointed out. "If you want it, I'll take the couch."

Ciel shrugged. "You can have the bed." When they had settled down in their separate sleeping areas, there was a silence in the apartment that bothered Ciel quite a bit. He looked at the clock. It read almost one in the morning. He silently got up, tiptoeing to Sebastian's room and opening his door.

Trying not to wake him, he crawled into bed next to him, curling up in the curve of Sebastian's chest. Sebastian, however, was awake. So when Ciel had fallen asleep, he pulled him closer, breathing heavily once as he wrapped an arm tight around Ciel. They were spooning.


Ciel awoke in Sebastian's grip, feeling the warmth from his friend's body as he awoke more fully. "Huh?!" he let out a silent exclamation as he pulled away from Sebastian, rubbing his eyes. Was he cuddling me? He looked out the window, taking in the sunlight. He switched his gaze to the clock.

Oh, shit. The clock read half past noon.
Sorry, ran out of space in the title to write out "three" XD also, yes, mature content!! Just one mature part, I swear...c;

Sorry this chapter took longer, it was awesome to write out though~ so I'm trying not to escalate things too quickly, you know? I'm trying to pace myself. Also, next chapter, expect a lot more from Claude and Elizabeth. As for Alois, character development next chapter...but not necessarily good development ;)
© 2014 - 2024 SebbyxCiel123
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skittlz1's avatar
i dont know how to react to this it was AMAZING Onodera Blushing Icon  very nice work XD